Humanities Department » Humanities Department

Humanities Department

Our department's vision is to develop an interdisciplinary approach to learning where students have the ability to gain a deeper understanding about the topics taught so that they can achieve mastery in their studies.
All teachers in the Humanities Department are part of interdisciplinary grade teams which meet throughout the year during the Professional Development Bands on Mondays and Wednesdays.  In their teams, the teachers have developed a theme or themes that they will focus on and use to link their curricula.  At the end of the year, students from each of the teams will present the projects that they have worked on to their peers and their teachers.  The goal of the Humanities Fair is for the students to showcase what they have learned and for the teachers to assess their interdisciplinary work.
We are proud to recognize the accomplishments of our students who, under the direction of english/drama teacher Ms. Sottile, participated in the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s (BAM) Brooklyn Reads Residency Program at our school. Our students gave a reading of their work at BAM and their poems have been published in the BAM Brooklyn Reads Magazine and is attached for downloading and reading.
Please take a look at the Teams' Pages to view explanations of the assignments, samples of student work, and photos from our events.